• Players: 2+
  • The pack: 52 card deck


To win the most “books” of cards. A book is any four of a kind such as four jacks, four aces, and so on.


Pick someone to shuffle and deal the cards. Take turns being the dealer so that one person doesn’t get stuck doing it every time. The dealer cuts the deck and deals cards clockwise, one at a time, starting with the player to the left. For 2 to 3 players, you deal each player 7 cards. If there are more than 3 players, deal 5 cards each. The remaining cards are placed face down in the middle of the players. This is called the pool of cards.


The player to the left of the dealer goes first and asks another player (goes fishing) for a card of a particular rank, for example “Do you have any kings?” The player they ask must give them all the cards of that rank that they have, if any. If the player does not have any cards of that rank, they say “Go Fish” and the first player must draw a card from the pool. Remember, the player who is fishing must have at least one card of the rank that they ask for.

Play continues with each player taking a turn asking one of the other players for a card. If the player gets a card from another player, they get to take another turn. If they draw a card from the pool, their turn ends.

If a player gets a book of four cards of the same rank (such as four kings), they must lay the book down on the table.

The game ends when all thirteen books have been won. The winner is the player with the most books. During the game, if a player is left without cards, when it’s their turn to play they may draw a card and ask for cards of that rank. If there are no cards left in the pool, they are out of the game.

Go fish 1
Go fish 1
Go fish 1


  • Try to memorize what cards the other players have and want.
  • If you pick up a card rank from the pool that you didn't have, it can be good to guess that rank on your next turn.
  • Try to Go Fish more at the start of the game. This gets you more cards and a better chance of getting more books and matches later.

On signal from the dealer, each player simultaneously lifts their card, placing it on their forehead so that all of the other players can see everyone’s crD, but the player cannot see his own. There is a single round of betting and then a show down.


  • Game Type: Rummy
  • Age: 12+
  • Players: 2+
  • The pack: 52 card deck


To collect pairs of cards of the same rank, such as two fours or two aces.


Any player shuffles the pack and spreads the cards out, face down on a table/the floor in an arrangement that forms a grid, so that no two cards touch or overlap each other.


Players take turns flipping over two cards at a time, trying to find a matching pair. The first card is left face up until they have turned the second. If the two cards form a pair, they get to keep them and take another turn. If they do not match, the cards are turned back over to the same position and play passes to the next player.

While continuing the game, the only way the sequence of suit can be started is by laying the seven of that suit on the table.

The game continues until all of the cards have been matched and removed from the grid. The player with the most pairs at the end of the game wins.

Go fish 1
Go fish 1
Go fish 1


A good strategy is to not turn over the card you are sure of first. For example, if you know exactly where the 3 of spades is, but only think you know where the another 3 is, turn over the guess first. This way if you are wrong, you can then pick a random card and have a chance of getting a match.


  • Players: 3
  • The pack: Modified 52 card pack. All that is needed is 8 – Ace from each suit as well as the 7 of hearts and spades.


Win the number of tricks assigned to you, i.e. 5 tricks, 3 tricks, 2 tricks. The goal is to fulfill the contract and proceed to win more tricks to earn points.


Take a 5, a 3 and a 2 from the discarded part of the pack, mix them face down and let each player draw one. Whoever gets the 2 is the dealer. The dealer shuffles, the player to dealer's right cuts, and the dealer deals a batch of 5 cards to each player, first to the right, then to the left, then to dealer. The player to the dealer's right chooses and announces the trump suit. After this the dealer deals a batch of three cards to each player in the same order and then a batch of two to each, so that each player has 10 cards.


The ranking is traditional with Ace (high), King, Queen, Jack, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, and 2 (low).


The game starts with the player to the dealer’s left. They may lead any card they wish. All the following players must follow suit if able. If they cannot follow suit, they may play any card they wish.

The trick is won by the highest trump played, if applicable, or by the highest card of the suit led if no trumps were played. The winner collects the trick and places it in their score pile. they also lead the next trick.

If playing with option two for trump declaration, then there are two versions of the game that can be played. The version used should be chosen and agreed upon before the game begins.

The first version says that once a player is not able to follow suit the facedown card is revealed, and trumps are not declared. The card is returned to the player’s hand, and the player not able to follows suit may continue with their turn, playing any card they wish to.

The second version allows the player not able to follows suit, the option to ask for the trump suit before playing their card to the trick. If it is asked for it is revealed as above in the first version with a few modifications. The player who asks for trump must play a trump, if they have one, to the trick, and any card of the trump suit played before the card revealed do not count as trumps, only those played after.


Once all the tricks are played and scored the players will look through their score piles. A team that has three or more of the 10s wins the round. if both teams only have two 10s, then the teams that won more of the tricks during the round win. Wins can be scored as a point if players wish to keep track of scores for a winner.


The player to dealer's right leads the first trick with any card. Following players should match the lead suit. If that is not possible, the player can throw any card they want to the trick. Each trick is won by the highest trump in it, or if it contains no trumps, it is won by the highest card of the suit that was led. The winner of each trick leads to the next. Play continues till all ten tricks are won.

Players keep the tricks they have won face down, neatly arranged to that everyone can see how many tricks each player has won.

Scoring & winning

At the end of the round, players earn 1 point for each trick they capture regardless of whether or not they met their contract. The player with the highest score after the agreed upon number of rounds is the winner.

Go fish 1
Go fish 1
Go fish 1


At the beginning of round 2 and each round after, players may have the chance to take cards from their opponents. Those who made more than their contract of tricks are entitled to steal cards from players who fell under contract. To do so, the player who was under their contract offers their cards in a fan from which the opponent will choose one (without looking). That player then chooses one unwanted card from their hand to give back to the player. The player must have at least two cards in a single suit in order to give one back to their opponent. They are also not allowed to give the card they just drew back. They must keep it.

This process is repeated until everyone has stolen a card for each trick that they were over contract and the game continues.


  • Players: 3-8
  • The pack: 52 card deck. For 6+ players it is better to play with two decks.


Get rid of all your cards.


Deal the cards out evenly, such that each player has an equal number of cards. If there are any remaining cards, place them face down in the centre as the beginning of the discard pile.


The player to the left of the dealer begins by placing a card or cards of the same rank face down on the table. The player must say what the cards are, but does not have to tell the truth. For example, they could say they have "3 fives", and place any 3 cards in the centre. The other players must then follow suit. If they do not have a card of the same rank, they can either play a different card and hope that no one calls their bluff, or they can pass.

Blind Player - The blind players must not look at their cards before betting. To play blind place a bet in the pot. That bet must be equal to but not more than twice the total in the pot. If you are the first player, your bet must be at least equal to the boot.

If a player thinks that another player has played a card that they do not actually have (i.e. they are bluffing), they can call their bluff by saying “Bluff!”. If that player was indeed bluffing, they must take all of the cards on the table as a penalty. If they were not bluffing, the player who called the bluff must take the penalty instead.

The round ends when all the players have passed. The winner is the first person to get rid of all their cards.

Go fish 1
Go fish 1
Go fish 1


Be aware of what cards are in your hand. For instance, if you have 2 jacks in your hand and someone else calls 3 jacks, obviously they are bluffing.

If you pick up the discard pile, you might be able to see who has been bluffing. This will give you clues about the approach of different players.


  • Players: 2+
  • The pack: Played with 51 cards. Out of the 4 jacks, one jack is removed which can be of any suit.


Don’t get left behind with the jack.


After all players have received their cards, they discard paired cards into a separate pile. For example, 2 aces, 2 tens, etc. After the pairs are weeded out, players take turns picking from the other players’ cards, discarding any pairs they make. This is done till someone is left with the unpaired jack card.

The player who holds the jack at the end loses and is called the Jack Thief.

Go fish 1
Go fish 1
Go fish 1


  • Players: 4, with 2 players in each team
  • The pack: 52 card deck


Win as many tricks as possible with the highest number of tens from all four suits.


Deal a total of 13 cards to each player; a batch of 5 cards is dealt first and then in batches of 4. To choose the trump (Closed trump game) the player to the right of the dealer chooses a card from their hand and sets it face down on the table. This card's suit will be the trump suit.


The player that chooses the trump begins by playing any one of their cards to lead the first trick. The remaining players then play. If they are unable to follow suit, they may play a card of any suit or choose to reveal the hidden trump. The suit of the trump card becomes the highest in the game.

A trick is won by the highest card of the trump suit, and when no trump card is played, the player with the highest value card of the suit led, wins the trick. The winner of one trick starts the next trick.

After completing all the 13 tricks:

If a team captures 3 or all 4 of the tens, they win the game. If all the 4 tens are taken by one team, it is called ‘Mendicot’. When a team wins all the 13 tricks, it’s called a ‘Whitewash’.

If both teams get 2 tens each, then the team that has won the majority of tricks, wins the game.

Go fish 1
Go fish 1
Go fish 1


  • Focus on getting the tens. Either 3 or all 4.
  • Save your high-ranking cards for tricks in which your opponent team has played their tens cards.
  • If your team has already lost 2 tens to the opponents, focus on winning the remaining tricks.


  • Players: 4
  • The pack: 52 card deck


Be the first to empty your hand of cards


The game is played with a standard deck of 52 cards. The cards are first shuffled and evenly dealt to the four players. The sevens are automatically laid on the table in a column. A random player is assigned to go first.


Once the sevens are laid down, the player who chooses to go first must play a card that is one rank above or below a 7 (this is either a 6 or an 8) and lays it down next to the seven of the same suit (i.e. A 7 of clubs may have only a 6 or 8 of clubs placed in the sequence, and so on). Following which the next player lays down a card and gameplay begins.

The condition to lay down a card is that it must fall into the sequence. For example, if a 6 of clubs is beside a 7 of clubs, the next player must either play a 5 of clubs or an 8 of clubs, or choose to make a sequence in a different suit.

If you cannot lay down a card, you must ‘pass’ and await your turn until you can build upon a sequence.

The first player to empty their hand of all the cards is the winner.


  • The weakest cards to have in your hand are aces and kings. Focus on trying to lay them down as quickly as possible.
  • The strongest cards to have in your hand are sixes and eights.
  • Strategize. Strategize. Strategize! Keep the stronger cards close to your chest so that you can keep your opponents on edge as they wait for a gamechanger to be played.